Valley Cafe
Tune in 12pm-1:00pm weekdays for daily giveaways from great local restaurants!

Daily Specials at the Valley Diner:

You have a chance to win FREE LUNCH every weekday in THE VALLEY DINER with Denny Case! Listen when he opens up the diner following the noon news to find out that day’s song “specials”. Then, be lucky caller #7 at (815) 939-3388 when you hear one of these daily specials and you’ll win from Tucci’s Italian on Monday / Oliver’s Bar & Grill on Tuesday / Eddie’s Bar & Grill on Wednesday / Kansai Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi on Thursday / and Buffalo Wild Wings on Friday! It’s THE VALLEY DINER, open weekdays from noon until 1pm with Denny Case on WVLI!
Remember, here is how you can WIN: